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Legal notices and conditions of use for users/visitors of the site

1) The site hereinafter referred to as the "Site", has been created and is managed by Ioaffitto di P.Rosi, P.IVA 01398210995, hereinafter referred to as "Ioaffitto", e-mail: The provisions listed below apply to the contents of the site accessible without the need for registration of the user/visitor, and to the sections and contents visible in reserved areas and accessible only through registration and use of username and password.

2) The registered trademark is ® the exclusive property of P.Rosi P.IVA 01398210995. All contents (texts, graphics, trademarks, logos, etc.) of this Site are the exclusive property of Ioaffitto and/or third parties and are protected by current legislation on the protection of copyright, law no. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments and additions. Reproduction, even partial, use and dissemination without the authorization of the owner of the rights is prohibited. Infringements are subject to the penalties provided for by copyright law.

3) The Site uses automatic systems for the collection of information concerning the User/Visitor, such as cookies, for the sole purpose of making navigation easier (For more information, see the privacy policy).

4) The contents on the Site, even when owned by third parties, have fulfilled the obligations deriving from the legislation on copyright and related rights.

5) reserves the right to modify, add to or remove the contents of the Site, as well as to suspend, interrupt or limit access to the Site at any time and without prior notice at its sole discretion.

6) The Site may contain links to other websites, which are not under the control or prior verification of the contents by Ioaffitto and therefore the publication of such links does not imply approval by Ioaffitto of the related sites and their contents; nor does it imply any form of guarantee on the part of the latter. The user, therefore, acknowledges that Ioaffitto is not responsible, by way of example only, for the truthfulness, correctness, completeness, respect for intellectual and/or industrial property rights, legality and/or any other aspect of the aforementioned websites, nor is it responsible for their possible contrary to public order, morality and/or morality. Ioaffitto, therefore, assumes no responsibility for any links to other Internet sites and/or for the contents present on the site and/or in the aforementioned sites.

7) Users/visitors and/or third parties are not allowed to create links to this Site without the express prior authorization of Ioaffitto In any case, Ioaffitto reserves the right to request that any unauthorized links to this Site be removed at any time.

8) Publication of rental or sale announcements. The user/visitor of the site, in order to promote their property through the publication of an ad, must first register, using the appropriate registration form. By registering, the user guarantees that all the data entered by the same, referring to the user and the data referring to the real estate advertisement are true, correct and up-to-date. verifies the data published in each ad, however, cannot fully guarantee the truthfulness and correctness of such data. For this reason, the user expressly undertakes to keep the data up to date, promptly communicating cases of incorrect and/or obsolete information. By publishing each advertisement, the user acknowledges and guarantees that he/she is the legitimate owner of the property published in the advertisement (i.e. he/she declares that he/she has been authorized by the owner of the property to publish the advertisement), The user is solely responsible for the truthfulness of the published data, and will be personally personally liable exclusively for any liability or damage that may arise from the publication. Ioaffitto reserves the right to deactivate or suspend, delete/delete, autonomously and without notice, advertisements that do not comply with these terms of use or that present suspicious elements, or that present content contrary to public order, morality and/or morality. The rent and/or the sale price, and the information that appears in each listing with reference to the properties published on the site do not represent a commercial offer by the site itself.

9) The User/visitor acknowledges and accepts that any contractual and/or non-contractual relationship formalized with real estate agencies, private Users, or third parties contacted through the Site, as well as the conclusion of lease and/or sale contracts or any other form of contract provided for by law, will be carried out solely and exclusively between the users put in contact through the Site and exclusively between the parties themselves,  without any obligation arising for Iorent, with the exception of those relating to the provision of the service provided for and outlined in these general conditions of use. The User registered as the Visitor of the site accept that Ioaffitto has no responsibility for any damage of any nature in relation to the negotiations, contracts and/or contractual obligations assumed between the natural and/or legal persons who have entered into relations through the Site and the showcase of the published ads.

10) Ioaffitto reserves the right to prohibit access to the site to registered users, autonomously and without prior notice. Excluded Users will be informed of this decision and may not subsequently attempt to access the site under a different name or through other Users. The User shall be liable for damages of any kind that Ioaffitto may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a consequence of any breach of the obligations set forth herein. The User shall indemnify the Owner from any sanction, complaint or summons by third parties, including public bodies, against Ioaffitto as a result of the violation of the rights of third parties by the User using the Site or services connected to it in a manner contrary to the provisions hereof.

11) The services offered through the Site are mainly free of charge. The services offered for a fee may be purchased by Users within the reserved area. The free services and/or contents of the Site may be provided indefinitely as long as the user's account remains active. Paid services have a duration tied to the period of time indicated on the purchase page of the individual service. Ioaffitto reserves the right to unilaterally close, suspend or interrupt at any time and without prior notice, the provision of the Service and the Site. For any problems related to invoicing, changes or corrections of invoice headers, issuance of credit notes, the User may contact:

12) The use of the Services is only permitted to persons over 18 years of age. In order to use the services, minors must have obtained the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

13) Ioaffitto does not guarantee the continuity of access or the correct display of the elements and information contained in the pages of the Site, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control. Ioaffitto assumes no responsibility for the information, content, products and services offered or provided through the Site by any third party or entity. Neither Ioaffitto nor the third-party information providers assume any liability for any damages, losses, claims or expenses resulting from: I) interference, interruptions, errors, omissions, telephone failures, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system caused by deficiencies, errors and overloads on telecommunications lines and networks, or for any other cause beyond the control of Ioaffitto,  II) the use of any illegal program with any type of media, such as viruses or anything else, III) the improper or incorrect use of the site IV) the safety of navigation or errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or not using the updated versions.

14) The Personal Data of Users/Visitors acquired by Ioaffitto through the forms in some sections of the Site will be processed in full compliance with current privacy legislation (European Regulation no. 679/2016). In the event that Affitto Certificato proceeds with the collection of Personal Data through the Site, the User/visitor will be invited to read the privacy policy pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation 679/2016, and the User/visitor will be invited to give any necessary consent to the processing. For more information, the User/visitor can consult the "Privacy" and "Cookie Policy" section of the Site.

15) Ioaffitto reserves the right to modify these terms of use at any time. In the event of substantial changes, Irent. will notify the user by publishing them prominently on its pages or by email and/or other means of communication.

16) Applicable Law, Jurisdiction and Legal Notices. The relationship between Ioafto and users/visitors is governed by Italian law and jurisdiction, according to which these Terms of Use shall also be interpreted. Except as provided for by non-derogable laws, the Court of La Spezia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute concerning these Terms of Use and the relationships governed by them. The Site is published and managed by ioaffitto di P.Rosi, P.IVA 01398210995. If you have any questions, you can contact Ioaffitto at the email

Version effective January 25, 2022