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Informativa sulla Privacy ai sensi degli artt.13 E 14 del Regolamento Europeo 679/2016 e D.Lgs 101/2018

Privacy Policy pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 101/2018


1) Data Controller

Ioaffitto di P.Rosi, P.IVA 01398210995, hereinafter referred to as "Ioaffitto" hereby provides the privacy policy pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Reg. 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 101/2018, in its capacity as data controller. For information and to exercise all the rights granted to the user by EU Reg. 679/2016 - Legislative Decree 101/2018, and specified in Article 10 of this policy, you can contact us by writing to the following e-mail address:

2) Methods of collection and purposes of data processing for the advertising service and other services provided through the Site

In order to take advantage of the service of publishing rental and/or sale ads and the other services provided by Ioaffitto, the User must create an account by providing some data that include their name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, tax code, password. If you are a legal entity, you must indicate the name of the company, VAT number, registered office address, contact person, email address, telephone number. For paid services, you will have to provide some payment information (eg PayPal, bank transfer, etc.) and billing data. The data provided by the user is necessary in order to be able to use our services, to publish rental and/or sale ads, or to be able to respond to advertisers. The users' telephone number may be verified by sending a text message in order to ensure greater quality and security of the services. By accessing their personal area on the Site, the User may provide additional personal data by way of additional information (e.g.: date of birth, gender, residence) that will be collected by the Data Controller if provided.

3) Legal bases for the processing of user data

The legal bases for the processing, as the case may be, may be the User's consent, the performance of a contract to which the User is a party or the fulfilment of legal obligations to which Ioaffitto is subject as Data Controller.

4) Additional purposes of data processing of users: profiling for commercial and marketing purposes (sending advertising material, direct sales, carrying out market research and commercial communication)

With the User's consent, which can be expressed by ticking the appropriate box in the form for the acquisition of consent, the User's personal data (i.e. both personal and contact data and information relating to the services purchased/used at Ionoleggio) may also be processed by Ioaffitto for profiling purposes for commercial purposes, or to reconstruct the User's tastes and consumption habits,  identifying the consumer profile, in order to be able to send the User commercial offers consistent with the identified profile, as well as for marketing purposes (sending advertising material, direct sales, carrying out market research and commercial communication), or so that Ioaffitto can contact the User by post, e-mail, landline or mobile telephone (with or without the intervention of an operator),  SMS or MMS to propose to the User the purchase of products and/or services offered by Ioaffitto and/or third-party companies, to present offers, promotions and commercial opportunities, as well as to invite the User to participate in studies, surveys and market research. By ticking the consent box relating to marketing purposes, the User agrees to be contacted by Ioaffitto in all the aforementioned ways, including by post and telephone (with operator). Consent to the processing of personal data for these profiling and marketing purposes is optional, and in the event of failure to provide or consent the possibility of using the Site and obtaining the requested Ioaffitto service will not be affected in any way. Even in the case of consent given for marketing purposes, the User may revoke the same at any time (also in relation to promotional communications made by post or telephone with an operator), by making a request to Ioaffitto in the manner indicated in art. 10. The User may also withdraw his/her consent selectively, objecting, for example, to the further sending of promotional communications through automated means (e.g. e-mail) but continuing to receive promotional communications by post or telephone with an operator, or vice versa.

5) Subjects to whom the data may be communicated.

The data of registered users may be communicated to our customers, in order to execute the contract signed and to provide our services, and for the performance of the related administrative activities, to collaborators and employees specifically appointed or to subjects operating services related and necessary for the execution of the contract and/or in any case, to third parties for whom this is necessary and indispensable (or in any case functional) for the performance of the services requested by the user himself. The user's data may be disclosed to third parties, exclusively for technical and operational needs strictly related to the purposes of executing contractual obligations and in particular to the following categories of subjects: I) Bodies, professionals, companies or other structures appointed by us to process data related to the fulfilment of administrative, accounting, commercial and management obligations related to the ordinary performance of our economic activity; II) To public authorities and administrations for purposes related to the fulfilment of legal obligations; III) Banks, financial institutions or other entities for which the transfer of data is necessary for the purpose of carrying out business activities, in particular in relation to the performance by us of our contractual obligations towards you. The data communicated will only be those strictly necessary for the provision of the services requested. Any further communications will be made to subjects - specifically authorized, appointed and instructed by the Data Controller. The data are not disseminated under any circumstances.

6) Subjects who may become aware of the data

Users' personal data may be disclosed to ioaffito's employees and/or collaborators in charge of managing the Site, providing the services requested, stipulating any contracts, as well as, on the basis of any optional consents expressed by the User, sending promotional communications or carrying out profiling activities. These subjects, who are formally appointed by ioaffitto as "persons in charge of the processing", will process the User's data exclusively for the purposes indicated in this policy and in compliance with the provisions of the EU Privacy Reg. Users' personal data may also be disclosed to third parties who may process personal data on behalf of the Company as "external data processors", such as, by way of example, suppliers of IT services functional to the operation of the Site, providers of outsourcing or cloud computing services, professionals and consultants, companies in charge of carrying out marketing activities on behalf of the Company. Users have the right to obtain a list of the external data processors appointed by the Company, by making a request to the Company in the manner indicated in Article 10 below.

7) Optional communication of data to third parties

With the optional consent of the User, which can be expressed by ticking the appropriate box in the form for obtaining consent, some personal data (name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) may be communicated by Ioaffitto, by way of example but not limited to, to third-party companies operating in the insurance sector, banks, companies operating in the tourism-hotel sector, companies operating in the e-commerce sector,  companies operating in the construction sector, etc., so that they can in turn process such data for marketing purposes (sending advertising material, direct sales, carrying out market research and commercial communications). If the User gives his/her consent, these Companies may contact the User by ordinary mail, e-mail, SMS/MMS, landline/mobile telephone (with or without operator), to propose the purchase of products and/or services, to present offers, promotions and commercial opportunities, as well as to invite the User to participate in studies, surveys and market research. The User's consent to the communication of data to such third parties is entirely optional, and, in the event of non-consent, the User will not suffer any detrimental consequences and will be able to use the services provided by Noleggio Certificato in any case. Even in the event of consent, the User shall have the right to revoke the same at any time, by notifying Certified Rental of such revocation in the manner indicated in Article 10 below. The User may also communicate his/her desire to receive promotional communications only by post or telephone (with operator), by contacting these third-party companies in the manner indicated in their respective privacy policies. The User may also object to the receipt of further promotional communications (including those made by post or telephone with an operator), by contacting the aforementioned companies, in the manner indicated in their respective privacy policies, even selectively (for example, by revoking consent to receive phone calls for commercial purposes and maintaining consent to the sending of advertising emails or vice versa).

8) Transfer of data to a third country or international organizations.

Your data will not be transferred to non-EU third countries in any way.

9) Duration of storage of personal data

The storage of the personal data collected for the purpose of providing the service requested by the user will be kept for the entire duration of the contractual relationship with Ioaffitto. After the termination of the contractual relationship, Ioaffito will retain the personal data relating to the execution of the contract for the fulfilment of contractual and legal obligations, including tax obligations. Subsequently, the personal data relating to the performance of the contract will be stored for a period not exceeding the statutory limitation period for the purpose of asserting or defending legal claims. The user who does not carry out any active action on the site (e.g. publication of advertisements, contact advertisers, searches and/or any other way of using the service) on for a period of 36 months, will be classified as an inactive user and personal data will be automatically deleted from the platform. For greater security of the service through moderation activities on the content of the ads and prevention of conduct contrary to the conditions and rules of publication of, the ads and content generated by the user on the site and those relating to his identification will in any case be stored by the Data Controller, in a protected form and with limited access,  for a period of 36 months. Such confidential content will be for internal use only and may be provided by the owner only to the Judicial Authority or to the user's lawyer for the purposes of justice. Invoices, accounting documents and transaction data are kept for 10 years in accordance with the law (including tax obligations). Personal data collected for commercial and marketing purposes will be kept for a period of time not exceeding 24 months from their collection. Our IT system is structured in such a way as to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access. In the event of the exercise of the right to be forgotten through a request for express deletion of the personal data processed by the Data Controller, the data will be stored, in a protected form and with limited access, solely for the purpose of detecting and suppressing crimes, for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of the request (except as indicated above regarding the data used for moderation and prevention purposes) and will subsequently be deleted in a secure manner or anonymized irreversibly.

10) Rights of the data subject and revocation of consent

The User has the right to know his/her data and to exercise the various rights relating to its use (rectification, updating, cancellation, etc.). For any request regarding the data, including any request to access the data concerning him/her at any time, the User may contact Ioaffitto (i) by sending a certified e-mail to (ii) by sending an e-mail message to the address The applicable legislation recognises the possibility for each Data Subject to exercise certain rights at any time, including (i) the right of access, aimed at ascertaining whether and which data are being processed by Ioaffitto, (ii) the rectification and updating of inaccurate and incomplete data, (iii) the deletion of data in the cases provided for by art. 17 of the Regulation, (iv) restriction of processing to the occurrence of the established conditions (art. 18 of the Regulation), (v) notification of rectifications, cancellations or limitations by the Company with regard to the subjects to whom the data have been communicated, (vi) to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority ( All communications and requests must be addressed in writing to the Data Controller at the e-mail address:

Version effective January 25, 2022